Patsan Bhavan, 3rd & 4th Floor, Block – CF, Action Area – 1, New Town, Kolkata 700 156
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Memorandum & Articles of Association
Annual Performance Report
CDA Rule
Duties and Responisbility_Non Executives
Transfer Policy
Code of Conduct
Fraud Prevention Policy
Whistle Blower Policy
Policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment
MoU Between JCI and MoT
Gradation of Raw Jute
Market Arrival of Raw Jute
Raw Jute Statistics
CVC Pledge
Memorandum & Articles of Association1
Patsan Jyoti
Vigilance Bulletin
Pocket English to Hindi Dictionary
RTI Disclosure
Budget and Programme Format
Third Party Transparency Audit Report (2022-2023) - Received- 76 ( 2023 -24) Disposed off- 76 ( 2023-24)
Raw Jute Purchase Procedure and Jute I-Care Service 15 Years' Procurement Data Crop Year MSP Rate (₹/Qtls.) Procured Qunatity (in Lakh Qtls.) Procured Value (in Lakh ₹) MSP Commercial Total MSP Commercial Total 2009-10 1,375 0 0.02 0.02 0 47.03 47.03 2010-11 1,575 0 0.61 0.61 0 1,992.69 1,992.69 2011-12 1,675 2.32 0.45 2.77 3,797.88 971.86 4,769.74 2012-13 2,200 5.76 0.79 6.55 12,017.85 2,000.91 14,018.76 2013-14 2,300 2.48 0.94 3.42 5,397.94 2,457.69 7,855.63 2014-15 2,400 0.29 0.79 1.08 655.9 2,188.20 2,844.10 2015-16 2,700 0 0.09 0.09 0.91 456.72 457.63 2016-17 3,200 1.04 3.06 4.1 2,879.40 10,399.35 13,278.75 2017-18 3,500 6.1 0 6.1 18,942.16 0 18,942.16 2018-19 3,700 1.31 0 1.31 4,458.41 0 4,458.41 2019-20 3,950 1.46 0.31 1.77 5,624.09 1363.90 6,987.99 2020-21 4,225 0.07 1.54 1.61 328.67 8473.81 8802.48 2021-22 4,500 0.03 0.13 0.16 98.72 723.53 822.25 2022-23 4,750 4.24 1.37 5.61 18,802.23 7730.98 26,533.21 2023-24 5,050 13.17 0.00 13.17 61,725.38 00.00 61,725.38 2024-25 (upto 03/12/2024) 5,335 3.89 0.00 3.89 19,444.47 00.00 19,444.47